Insane Sinkhole in Ottawa, Canada

Sinkholes are definitely not anything new to any of you all. With the karst landscape across our region, a sinkhole forming is nothing new in this portion of the world.

The distribution of sinkhole reports across the state. h/t
The distribution of sinkhole reports across the state. h/t

I mean, just a few years ago, the Corvette Museum had a few cars eaten by a massive sinkhole that opened up directly underneath an exhibit!

This sinkhole in the corvette museum. h/t USA Today
This sinkhole in the corvette museum. h/t USA Today

Well, a sinkhole of massive proportions has decided to show itself right in the middle of downtown Ottawa in Canada.

From what I can find, their landscape isn’t too similar to ours, but they have seen several other sinkholes before this one. Check out some of the tweets from this morning.

I just thought this was a unique, and cool story. For more, read the original article from Buzzfeed!