This Week’s WxOrNotBG Tweets Of The Week

It has been a while, but I am looking forward to starting this back up! Twitter is a meteorologist’s best friend and worst enemy. Many times, hype will begin and spread like fire on Twitter. Other times, it saves someone’s life. Therefore, Twitter sees the best and worst out of meteorologists every week, and it gets really fascinating to watch. These are the 10 best Tweets I found from this past week!

#10 Ryan Maue

I love GFS bashing. It is so much fun. The GFS is the lesser of the major models, and many like to act as if it is as good as the ECMWF. Ha. Haha. Hahahaha. 


Whoooooa so cool.

#8 Mallory Schnell

This was a hilarious segment that came up during the incredible event that is Severe Weather Awareness Day in Nashville, TN.

#7 NashSevereWx 

Honestly, this should be higher up on the list. But alas, this was a good week

#6 Mallory Schnell

I got to give a forecast discussion to the masses at SWAD, and it was really cool. I enjoyed that experience.

#5 Dan Lindsey 

Do we all remember Cyclone Winston? Yeah, he was still alive on Saturday.

#4 Wouter van Bernebeek

First off, that is a long name. Secondly, what an amazing tornado from a not so awesome day.

#3 Andrew Dockery 

The pic on the left is an awesome representation of surface winds.

#2 Dennis Mersereau

I have  never seen a supercell so strong over water. Luckily, the storm weakened as it made landfall and didn’t produce a ton of damage with this likely waterspout.

#1 Dan Lindsey