The Weather Week In Review: 7/5-7/11

Well, last Sunday night, our commander and chief posted the first ever WxOrNot Full Week Preview, and I think that is an incredibly awesome idea and one that will help everyone plan their weeks better. In light of that, I am going to begin posting a review of the previous week each Saturday night, highlighting the major events that occurred, etc. So, with that being said, here is your *cue awesome music* WxOrNotBG Week in review for July 5th through the 11th.

In light of how ridiculously rainy it has been the past couple weeks, Sunday was such an awesome day. It started off mostly cloudy, with some showers and storms over our southeastern areas, but the clouds quickly moved out by early afternoon.

h/t UCAR Archive
h/t UCAR Archive

This allowed for temps to rise up into the mid 80s, which would prove to be the most comfortable conditions we’d see all week. I mean, I guess when 84 degrees is your version of “comfortable”, you may be experiencing summeritis (wanting summer to end)…I may be the only one who has this.


Monday started the long line of days in a row in which we would see thunderstorms dotting the skies across the region. While Monday saw isolated storms impact the region, Tuesday was the main day beginning the streak. Because, we really needed the rain, right?


It rained every day from Tuesday through Friday. The majority of this was caused by a pesky stationary front that just wouldn’t lift north. As a result, my forecasts were all but screwed up.

Productively taking out my frustrations. h/t
Productively taking out my frustrations. h/t

And it would rain hard. Whether it was late morning/early afternoon (Friday) or early morning/late evening (Tuesday, Wed. and Thur.), thunderstorms were the predominate story throughout the week. We had some severe, some garden variety. But it rained.





Then we got to today. Other than some early morning rain, we had a pretty good day weatherwise! Temps this week hovered mostly in the upper 80s and lower 90s, with high dewpoint values. This created a very uncomfortable environment outside of any thunderstorms everyday (trust me, it was hot on Friday (the sun was also bright and burns bad)) and just made this week not really one to remember.


Going into next week….well, thats Landon’s job. I’ll let him give the preview for you tomorrow. Just an FYI: if you’re tired of rain, better move to the desert.