Worst Spot For Weather Extremes

One thing we know for sure in the weather world is that some places receive more extreme weather events then others.  Whether it has to do with atmospheric currents or what the terrain is like in certain locations, weather extremes seem to cater to certain areas more than others.

image via infiniteunknown.com
image via infiniteunknown.com

Live Science has recently published a piece on their website that breaks breaks down what makes certain locations more susceptible to extreme and inclement weather.  This comes after a recent study reiterated this findings.  The following is a section taken from the article:

Frightful floods, freezes and heat waves favor certain parts of the Northern Hemisphere, the result of strong atmospheric currents that steer extreme weather to the same places over and over again, a new study finds.

Fear a cold winter? Then avoid eastern North America. Hate floods? Stay out of western Asia. Enjoy a long shower? Then drought-prone central North America, Europe and central Asia aren’t for you. Can’t stand the heat? Rule out heat-wave-prone western North America and central Asia, according to findings published today (June 22) in the journal Nature Climate Change.

You can check out the rest of the piece for more information.  It’s very interesting.