Saturday Update

Well, friends, after an absolute soaking across south central Kentucky last night, conditions are quickly improving.  Cooler, drier air has filtered in behind the front, producing an absolutely wonderful feel to the air.  We look to keep partly to mostly sunny skies around over the course of the next several days, as high temperatures are limited to mid – upper 70s both today and tomorrow.  It should be a wonderful experience for all of you fall weather fans out there.

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The model above displays the temperature gradient across the eastern US, along with current frontal positions and wind directions.  This helps to illustrate what exactly is occurring at the moment.  Notice the temperature difference on either side of the front, with much more tolerable conditions in place over our proximity.  Northerly flow will keep a cool feel to the air today and tomorrow.

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For everyone attending the WKU vs Morgan State game this evening, I recommend wearing a hoodie and jeans.  Kickoff temperatures are expected to be in the lower 70s, with values quickly falling into the mid 50s by 10pm.  Northerly winds will help supplement a bit of a bite to the air.  Tennessee Titans fans, tomorrow’s weather will be FANTASTIC.  Expect kickoff temps in the upper 60s under sunny skies.

That will wrap up the Saturday update, friends.  I’ll be back tomorrow with another update on our weather conditions.  Everyone enjoy the beautiful weather, and thanks for reading!