Stop What You’re Doing and Go Watch This Video

Holy cow. I think I saw the single coolest video I have ever seen in my life this morning. Mike Olbinski is a storm chaser and professional photographer out of Scottsdale, Arizona. He has a really cool website and content, so be sure to check out his full website by clicking on the link with his name above.

That isn’t why I am here. He released a time lapse of his storm chasing endeavors this spring and early summer called Vorticity. He had mentioned it last week, and I saw it but didn’t get too excited.

…And then I watched it. Oh my goodness. This video is more than worth 6 minutes. I am linking it here, but will also embed the tweet to it. This piece of video is one of the coolest videos I really have ever seen. It is different than any others that I have seen, and is just cool to watch. Check it out for yourself!