Heavy Rain Coming

Heavy rain is on its way to the Ohio Valley. A stationary surface boundary along with left over moisture being funneled from tropical cyclone Simon will allow for a moisture rich axis to setup right over the region. We will see numerous rain events move through the region over the next week, dropping as much as 5 inches of rain in areas. Flooding will become a concern for areas, especially those that have picked up an inch or two of rain over the past several days. Through Sunday, as much as 3 inches of rain is possible across south central Kentucky.

WPC 5 Day Rainfall Forecast through Monday morning

By Next Wednesday, parts of the region may have picked up over 5 inches of rain. The heaviest rain axis will be through southern Missouri and western Kentucky.

WPC 7 Day Rainfall Forecast through next Wednesday morning.


Here is the NAM and GFS model guidance for the heavy rain event.

NAM Model Precipitation Accumulation through Sunday
GFS Model Precipitation Accumulation through next Tuesday