One-Minute Satellite Data Is Back and I Am Hype

I am not totally sure I have been this excited about a weather announcement all summer (outside of @WhiteSquirrelWeather within the WKU meteorology program). It has been announced that one of the best things in meteorology is back: 1-minute satellite data!


There are so many things to love about 1-minute satellite data. This data gives us fantastic resolution into what is actually happening with the atmosphere. The level of detail in this satellite imagery is fantastic, and it allows forecasters to pick up on different things that they may not have been able to previously.

Thunderstorm initiation can occur quickly, and sometimes the tell-tell signs may be missed on that. This data is focused on one area per day, allowing for hi-res images of active weather areas, along with zoomed in images. This allows for meteorologists to see more local outflow boundaries that can influence initiation better.

This data is also just really, really cool to look at. It is a fantastic tool for meteorologists to use, but it is just a cool entity for weather geeks (like yours truly) to use. It gives such a complete and good look at the flow and development of precipitation and thunderstorms, but is also good as a representation of how the atmosphere flows in general with mid-latitude cyclones. Check out some of the previous images from the 1-minute data.

h/t CIMMS Satellite Blog

(h/t CIMMS Satellite)