Your Weather Week In Review

Here at WxOrNotBG, we have begun to implement a new post every Sunday evening previewing the week ahead. In light of that, I am going to begin posting a review of the previous week each Saturday night, highlighting the major events that occurred, etc. So, with that being said, here is your *cue awesome music* WxOrNotBG Week in review for October 5th through October 11th.

Last week was much, much better than the week previous to it. I mean, last week was very nice.


As opposed to two weeks ago (I can’t believe we are TWELVE DAYS into October), this week was a walk in the park for meteorologists not only here, but across the nation. It was sunny most days until Friday, and even then, it wasn’t even that bad. It rained. Woooo.

h/t UCAR Archive
h/t UCAR Archive

Granted, it is nice to see rainfall fairly consistently, given that for about a month we just weren’t getting rain. However, it was VERY nice to have a week that was without significant stretches of rainfall. We had abundant sunshine, and warm temperatures throughout the beginning portion of the week.


And while it may have been a touch too warm, there wasn’t much to complain about in general. Friday was the only messy day, but it wasn’t too bad. When the rain moved in, we’d had a good morning of sunshine. I guess that was ruined, but thats okay. Let it rain.

I thought this was funny. h/t
I thought this was funny. h/t

It was some cool rain. I was driving to Nashville, and it was really unique to see it begin raining while the sun was still out. Usually the rain is ending once the sun comes out, but this gave some cool scenes.

Last week was fairly quiet across the country, even. Much of the nation didn’t really see much interesting stuff go on. Some areas of the country had one of their wildest weeks in probably a few years, and that was a nice relief to them this week.

The tropics were very, very quiet. Like VERY quiet. Joaquin moved off to sea, and we were left with basically nothing tropical at all. Which is good.


Top Tweets of the week.







That was last week. Who knows what will happen this week?