Lava Nears Hawaii Village

Lava from the Kilauea volcano has been slowly advancing toward Pahou, Hawaii since June 27th and could reach the village by Wednesday. As of yesterday, the lava flow was estimated to be at least 300 yards from the nearest home; earlier today, the lava was just 70 yards from the nearest residence. Scientists have mapped and concluded that the lava is moving toward the village at 260 to 390 yards per day. According to CNN, “Hawaii officials haven’t issued a mandatory evacuation yet. But many residents have already chosen to leave on their own.”

Late last week, the governor of Hawaii asked for a presidential disaster declaration for aid in repair, alternate routes, and accommodations for 900 displaced schoolchildren (The Capital Weather Gang). Lava is not the only issue in association with this disaster, however; smoke and crime have also become problems with the approaching lava flow.