The Impact of Extreme Weather Events On Young Weather Enthusiasts

I know, super-long title this morning, but this is something I’ve felt like writing lately. Extreme weather events have a big impact on young weather enthusiasts. And, I can provide proof of this. When a young weather enthusiast endures an extreme weather event, it will introduce bias to that enthusiast. When future extreme weather events […]

Hole Punch Clouds

Several Hole Punch clouds were seen in eastern Kentucky today. A hole punch cloud, often referred to as a Fallstreak Hole, are formed when the water temperature in the clouds is below freezing, but the water has not frozen yet due to the lack of ice nucleation particles. When ice crystals do form it will […]

Temperature Inversion

What’s a temperature inversion?  That term has been tossed around the weather world a lot recently, and I’ve received a number of questions regarding it.  The folks over at the National Weather Service in Louisville recently produced a nice, short write up as to what a temperature inversion actually is.  Here’s a snippet from the […]

Awesome Weather Records!

The website,, is full of cool stuff! Not just for kids, but for anyone who likes weather. Check out some of these weather records from their weather facts page. They will blow your mind. The highest temperature ever recorded in Antarctica is 14.6 °C (59 °F), recorded on January 5, 1974. More temperature facts. […]

Long Range Outlook

It’s the time of year when we begin to wonder if we will see a white Christmas! While Forecasting 19 days out is nearly impossible, a general pattern favorable for certain weather scenarios can usually be determined. Let’s begin with the pattern of the jet stream. The GFS keeps hinting at a meridional pattern closer […]

Winter Weather Terms

Do you know your winter weather terms? Here is a list of winter weather definitions from NOAA to help you be best prepared for the upcoming winter. Winter Storm Warning: Issued when hazardous winter weather in the form of heavy snow, heavy freezing rain, or heavy sleet is imminent or occurring. Winter Storm Warnings are usually […]

Balloon Bombs

We mention the jet stream almost everyday in our forecast posts. However, we never really mention what the jet stream is or how it was discovered. Jet streams are described by the National Weather Service as follows: Relatively strong winds concentrated in a narrow stream in the atmosphere, normally referring to horizontal, high-altitude winds. The […]

Are Meteorologists Always Wrong??

We’ve all heard the joke or made the joke…“I wish I could be wrong most the time and keep my job.” This of course is in reference to meteorologists, along with a plethora of other jokes. While it is no big deal (and actually funny at times) that people make jokes about this profession, it is […]