Life Cycle of Hurricane Edouard

Sometimes in the weather we get caught up in the here and now. Often times we don’t care about the origins of the weather that is currently impacting us. However, as meteorologists and weather enthusiasts, it is always important to know where the air mass that is causing our weather came from.

This is a great example of just that. Hurricane Edouard formed in the Atlantic Ocean back in mid September. But, if we watch the life cycle of Hurricane Edouard, it puts it in perspective just how far a weather system can track. We see thunderstorms over northwest Africa become a tropical low pressure system. This low pressure system becomes Hurricane Edouard. The hurricane tracks north across the Atlantic, before finally becoming an extra-tropical low pressure system. It meanders across the Atlantic Ocean and eventually finds itself doing a “loop” across the Atlantic Ocean. Watch the video by the OPC yourself!