Bowling Green November Weather Summary

Another month is in the books, and November proved to be a remarkably chilly month in Bowling Green. The average monthly temperature at the Bowling Green Airport was 42.1°F. This is 6.5°F below normal for November.

How does this rank compared to past years? This was the fifth coldest November on record for Bowling Green and the coldest since 1976.

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The warmest day this month occurred on November 4th and 30th when the high temperature reached 69°F. The coldest day of month was on November 16th when the temperature plummeted to 16°F.  The temperature dropped below freezing 14 out of the 30 days.

Bowling Green received 2.52″ of precipitation during November which is 1.54″ below normal. The wettest day of the month occurred on November 5th when 0.76″ of rain fell. Take a look at the monthly radar-estimated rainfall amounts for the state and notice that eastern Kentucky saw more rainfall than our area.

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November 2014 radar-estimated precipitation amounts (Courtesy: NWS AHPS)

Snowfall did accompany the colder temperatures as Bowling Green saw at least a trace of snow on four days in November. The snowiest day of the month was November 17th when Bowling Green picked up 0.3″ of snow.